The following multiple-choice questions are academically similar to those appearing on the College Board Advanced Placement National Examination in United States History prior to 2015. They have been adapted from past APUSH National Exams, various College Board material offering sample questions, and numerous APUSH review manuals widely available through retail outlets. No item is an exact copy of published material. They address political, social, economic, intellectual, and diplomatic history. While the College Board's newest format of multiple-choice questioning has shifted from the traditional manner, the items included here can nevertheless provide effective learning support. Your instructor is familiar with the current multiple-choice style featured on the APUSH National Exam. These review sets are intended for private use and educational purpose only and are not to be sold or marketed in any fashion.
Periods 1 & 2 (1491-1754) Discovery & Settlement Colonial America |
Period 3 (1754-1800) The French and Indian War Resistance & Revolution The Critical Period The Federalist Era |
Period 4 (1800-1848) Jeffersonian Democracy The War of 1812 The Era of Good Feelings The Age of Jackson Tocqueville's America Emergence of American Culture Early Reform Movements Manifest Destiny The Mexican War |
Period 5 (1844-1877) The Antebellum South Sectionalism & Secession The Civil War Reconstruction |
Period 6 (1865-1898) America's Frontier West The Plains Indian Wars The Age of Big Business The Rise of Labor Unions The Urbanization of America Gilded Age Politics America's Global Expansionism The Spanish-American War |
Period 7 (1898-1945) The Emergent Twentieth Century The Progressive Era World War I America's Return to Normalcy The Roaring Twenties The Great Depression FDR's New Deal Global Chaos of the 1920s & 1930s World War II |
Period 8 (1945-1980) The Fabulous Fifties The Cold War in the 1950s & 1960s The Stormy Sixties The Counterculture Era The Vietnam Conflict The Cold War in the 1970s & 1980s The Civil Rights Movement |
Period 9 (1980-2001+) The Conservative Tide The New Millennium |