 Test  Your  Knowledge
America's Global Expansionism
The Spanish-American War
The Emergent Twentieth Century
The Progressive Era
World War I

The following multiple-choice questions are academically synonymous to those which appeared on the College Board Advanced Placement National Examination in United States History prior to 2015. They have been adapted from past National Exams, various College Board matter offering sample questions, and assorted APUSH review manuals widely available through common retail outlets. No item is an exact copy of any material previously published. The questions address political, social, economic, intellectual, and diplomatic history. While the multiple-choice format currently used by the College Board deviates from the conventional style, the items included here can nevertheless serve as effective learning support. This review set is intended for private use and educational purpose only and may not be sold or marketed in any manner.

  DIRECTIONS: Using knowledge obtained through class lecture and assigned reading, coupled with the ability
  to reason logically, select the best response from among the four suggested completions for each statement.

  1. Many Mexicans migrated to the United States during World War I because:

    1. the American government offered Mexicans land in exchange for military service
    2. immigration quotas for Europeans went unfilled as a result of the war
    3. the war in Europe had disrupted the Mexican economy
    4. revolution in Mexico had caused social upheaval and dislocation

  2. The creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913:

    1. made currency and credit more elastic
    2. insured bank deposits up to $20,000
    3. gave Congress the authority to set interest rates
    4. established a floating exchange rate for the dollar

  3. President Theodore Roosevelt's mediation in the Russo-Japanese War reflected his belief that United States interests were best served by:

    1. decisive victory for Russia over Japan
    2. American acquisition of Russian and Japanese spheres of influence
    3. denying Japan the benefits of the Open Door policy in China
    4. balancing power between Russia and Japan

  4. The period from the end of the Civil War to the outbreak of World War I was marked by:

    1. virtually uninterrupted economic growth
    2. persistent inflation due to influx of gold and silver into the economy
    3. emergence of large federal deficits
    4. reoccurring economic panic and depression

  5. Theodore Roosevelt addressed all of the following issues during his presidency except:

    1. unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry
    2. insider trading on the stock market
    3. monopolization and consolidation in the railroad industry
    4. unsafe drug products

  6. The Open Door policy in Asia:

    1. rid China of European spheres of influence
    2. guaranteed military support for China's territorial integrity
    3. opened China to Western trade for the first time
    4. bolstered American commercial interests in China

  7. All of the following were reasons for failure of the Populist Party except:

    1. the radical nature of its program alienated non-farming interests
    2. racism strained the coalition of poor white and black farmers
    3. the prosperity of the early 1890s undermined public support for Populist economic reforms
    4. western and southern farmers favored different political strategies


  8. Information provided in the map above is supportive of the generalization that:

    1. "fewer women lived in the southeastern states than in other parts of the country, therefore suffrage was less of an issue"
    2. "the Seneca Falls Convention resulted in political and legal gains for women"
    3. "states that made free public education a priority paved the way in extending the vote to females"
    4. "frontier life tended to promote acceptance of greater political equality for women"

  9. American presence in Cuba, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico:

    1. produced a balanced economy
    2. caused a rise in standard of living
    3. led to practically exclusive economic dependence on the United States
    4. brought about unparalleled industrialization and modernization

  10. The position of the Supreme Court regarding civil rights during the period from the end of Reconstruction through the turn of the century is best characterized as:

    1. markedly less enthusiasm to suppress segregation in the North than in the South
    2. vigorous enforcement of the provisions set forth by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
    3. steady establishment of the constitutionality of segregation
    4. unwavering support of integration of blacks into American mainstream society

  11. The northward migration of blacks during World War I resulted in:

    1. northern resentment and race riots in several cities of the North
    2. virtual elimination of segregation in the South
    3. extensive urban renewal projects such as public transportation and recreation centers
    4. closure of many southern factories and severe economic hardship throughout the South

  12. In the late nineteenth century, all of the following fostered American jingoism except:

    1. so-called "yellow journalism"
    2. acts of imperialism by several European nations
    3. the concept of Social Darwinism
    4. flooding of American markets by foreign producers

  13. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine:

    1. marked the extension of the Open Door policy from East Asia to Latin America
    2. stated that cases of "chronic wrongdoing" would require the United States to act as an "international police power" throughout the Western Hemisphere
    3. provided United States military support for democratic revolutions in the Caribbean region
    4. allocated financial aid to "stable, orderly, and prosperous" Latin American countries

  14. The statement below which best describes the effect of World War I on the relationship between government and business is:

    1. "business and government worked closely together in a mutually beneficial manner"
    2. "the war effort increased government regulation of business as progressives had hoped"
    3. "business and government became increasingly alienated from one another as the war continued"
    4. "the government granted business extensive freedom in mobilizing for the war"

  15. The Niagara Movement resulted in:

    1. creation of the NAACP
    2. legislation aimed at blocking the Black Codes
    3. organized protest over Plessy v. Ferguson
    4. founding of Tuskegee Institute

  16. In the election of 1912, Theodore Roosevelt wanted Progressives to abandon the belief that:

    1. the federal government should commit resources to aid the needy
    2. child labor should be highly regulated by federal law
    3. the tariff was a viable mechanism to support home manufacturing
    4. monopolies are never in the public interest

  17. The disagreement between William E. B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington regarding the status of black Americans in the early twentieth century is best summed up as a debate over:

    1. precisely what social injustices should first be addressed by Congress
    2. whether the primary vehicle for social change should be federal legislation or state-driven mandates
    3. the role religion should play in the struggle for racial equality
    4. whether the measure of racial equality sought first by blacks should be legal or economic

  18. All of the following amendments to the Constitution were enacted during the Progressive Era except:

    1. election of United States senators by direct popular vote
    2. authorization for Congress to levy a national income tax
    3. limit of two full presidential terms
    4. prohibition of manufacture, sale, transportation, and consumption of alcoholic beverages

  19. One direct result of American foreign policy in the 1890s was:

    1. rejection of the concepts expressed in the Monroe Doctrine
    2. decrease in American trade and investment abroad
    3. abandonment of the traditional policy of avoiding permanent peacetime alliances
    4. recognition of the need for an isthmusian canal in Latin America

  20. "Politics is business....But there is hope....If our political leaders are to be always a lot of political merchants, they will supply any demand we may create. All we have to do is establish a steady demand for good government. The bosses have us split up into two parties. To him parties are nothing but means to his corrupt ends....If the honest voter cared no more for his party than the politician and the grafter, then the honest vote would govern, and that would be bad—for graft. It is idiotic, this devotion to a machine that is used to take our sovereignty from us." This excerpt is taken from:

    1. The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair
    2. How the Other Half Lives, by Jacob Riis
    3. The Octopus, by Frank Norris
    4. The Shame of the Cities, by Lincoln Steffens

  21. The role of women in the home front workplace during World War I:

    1. was resented by most blue-collar males
    2. boosted support for the feminist movement in general and female suffrage in particular
    3. was heavily regulated by the War Industries Board
    4. was limited to superficial tasks such as operating elevators and supervising playgrounds

  22. The Treaty of Versailles included all of the following provisions except:

    1. war guilt clause whereby Germany was forced to accept responsibility for initiating and perpetuating World War I
    2. call for a general build-up of arms among European nations in order to deter a future major world conflict
    3. mandate system to distribute to the Allies (the United States excluded) certain German colonies
    4. charter for the League of Nations, an international organization to promote world peace and encourage diplomatic resolution of differences among member nations

  23. The incident which directly and immediately caused President Theodore Roosevelt to issue the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was:

    1. Pancho Villa's armed raids into Texas and New Mexico
    2. American fear that financial instability in the Dominican Republic would lead to European intervention
    3. Queen Liliuokalani's oust of all foreigners and declaration of "Hawaii for Hawaiians"
    4. American concern that the British or French governments would aggressively pursue efforts to build and control an interoceanic canal in Panama

  24. All of the following contributed to America's rejection of the League of Nations except:

    1. the country's general desire to return to an isolationist position in world affairs
    2. President Woodrow Wilson's refusal to consider adjustments within the League concept amidst suggestions offered by Republican "reservationists" in the Senate
    3. widespread fear that the League membership would bring about military retaliation against the United States by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia
    4. the Senate's reluctance to compromise its power to steer American foreign policy

  25. In response to the various changes brought on by industrialization and urbanization in the late 1800s, most Americans:

    1. blamed such "progress" for the increasing rates of divorce, heart disease, and mental instability
    2. expressed continued optimism and admiration for American civilization
    3. feared that materialism and idleness were overtaking the traditional American work ethic
    4. were disgusted at the rampant lawlessness and enormous power wielded by modern corporations

  26. The fundamental distinction between Democratic Party and Republican Party membership during the late nineteenth century arose from differences:

    1. in geographical location, religious affiliation, and ethnic background
    2. on civil service reform, social-welfare legislation, and foreign policy
    3. concerning racial equality for blacks, Indian policy, and women's rights
    4. over currency reform, internal improvements, and protective tariffs

  27. All of the following are true concerning blacks in America during the period from 1890 to 1915 except:

    1. voting rights previously gained were impeded through changes in state laws and constitutions
    2. back-to-Africa movements were widely popular among blacks in urban areas
    3. leaders of the black community disagreed on the basic strategy for attaining equal rights
    4. blacks in both the North and the South were targets of mob attacks and lynching incidents

  28. The major impetus for Hawaiian annexation to the United States came from:

    1. native Hawaiians who sought protection from threatening nations of East Asia and Europe
    2. American military commanders and government officials who valued the Islands for strategic reasons
    3. Christian missionaries who wanted to convert the local population
    4. American sugar planters and other businessmen who desired exemption from United States tariffs

  29. The greatest legacy of President Theodore Roosevelt's environmental policy was:

    1. commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the land
    2. establishing the extent of the federal government's role in overseeing rational development
    3. preservation of nature for ecological reasons
    4. consistent opposition to governmental initiatives

  30. All of the following conditions existed as America emerged from the Gilded Age except:

    1. government was unresponsive to needed self-reform
    2. cities were growing at a rapid pace and offering countless new amenities
    3. immigrants were pouring into the United States
    4. union membership was high and labor practices were well-regulated


  31. The drawing above, showing "Uncle Sam," Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft, expresses that:

    1. Taft has been named to replace Roosevelt's first term Vice-President in the upcoming election of 1904
    2. Roosevelt is proudly endorsing Taft as his presidential sucessor in 1908
    3. the Senate has confirmed Taft as the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921
    4. Roosevelt has decided to seek another White House term, as a third-party candidate in the election of 1912, challenging Taft, the incumbent

  32. The primary thrust of President William Howard Taft's foreign policy was:

    1. use of military power to ensure America's global influence
    2. arbitrating disputes between nations at war
    3. expanding United States investments in underdeveloped nations
    4. attempts to preserve American international good will

  33. All of the following statements about higher education in the United States from 1865 to 1917 are correct except:

    1. "many states established new institutions under provisions of the Morrill Act"
    2. "teaching of religion became increasingly important at major northeastern schools"
    3. "many new scientific and engineering colleges and universities were founded"
    4. "women were admitted to an increasing number of institutions of higher learning"

  34. "We have pacified some thousands of the islanders and buried them; destroyed their fields; burned their villages, and turned their widows and orphans out-of-doors; subjugated the remaining ten millions by Benevolent assimilation....And so, by these Providences of God—and the phrase is the government's, not mine—we are a World Power." This statement was most probably made in reference to United States policy with regard to:

    1. occupation of the Philippines
    2. acquisition of Cuba and Puerto Rico
    3. the opening of Japan
    4. annexation of the Hawaiian Islands

  35. During the First World War, the Committee on Public Information issued propaganda to persuade the American people of all the following except:

    1. the United States was fighting for freedom and democracy
    2. Congress should reject the League of Nations
    3. the invasion of the United States itself was a genuine possibility because America was fighting a barbarous enemy
    4. buying bonds was important to the war effort