- At the close of the World War I, the United States:
- granted diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union
- received large reparation payments from Germany
- emerged as the world's leading creditor nation
- rejected the League of Nations in principle
- Henry Ford's assembly-line production of automobiles resulted in:
- construction plans for the interstate highway system
- large scale abandonment of railroad passenger traffic
- widespread purchase of cars by average American families
- laws promoting economic advantage and international markets for American corporations
- During his presidency, Harry S Truman did all of the following except:
- veto the McCarran Act
- order the desegregation of America's military forces
- abolish the Tennessee Valley Authority
- extend Social Security benefits
- The emergence of rock and roll music as a part of the 1950s popular culture in America:
- was a spin-off from British popular music of the time
- adapted many of the Big Band tunes of the 1940s
- had little appeal in the South and West
- relied heavily on black musical traditions
- American writers of the 1920s, such as Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald, have been called the "lost generation" because they:
- seemed preoccupied with writing nostalgic stories about the "good old days"
- found it difficult to get their works published
- were disillusioned with the shallowness of American life
- advocated cultural isolationism in the wake of World War I
- In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the Supreme Court ruling:
- provided for federal support of parochial schools
- confirmed free public elementary and secondary schools
- outlawed racially segregated public schools
- established free public colleges
- During the Great Depression, so-called "Hoovervilles" were:
- shantytowns of unemployed and homeless people
- model communities established by President Herbert Hoover for the downtrodden
- government relocation centers for indigent workers financed under New Deal legislation
- camps in California for migrant fruit pickers similar to what John Steinbeck described in his novel The Grapes of Wrath
- One of the principal reasons the "noble experiment" failed was because it led to an enormous increase in:
- law enforcement costs
- drinking among minors
- racial discord
- absenteeism among factory workers
- Charles Lindbergh became a national hero for all of the following reasons except:
- he embodied American traditional values in the new industrialized society
- his success incorporated elements of technology and individualism
- he advocated American leadership in world affairs
- he completed a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean
- The government's forced relocation of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast to inland camps during World War II was:
- implemented according to provisions set forth by Congress for internment of dissidents
- declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
- justified by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a military necessity
- consistent with treatment given to German-Americans and Italian-Americans
- Many historians see an indication of strong anti-Catholic sentiment in the presidential election of 1928 because of:
- Herbert Hoover's use of "rugged individualism" as his campaign slogan
- failure of Alfred E. Smith to carry a solidly Democratic South
- increased political activity of the Ku Klux Klan
- Robert La Follette's decision to run as a liberal third-party candidate
- President Herbert Hoover and President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt disagreed most strongly about the positive aspects of:
- government aid to corporations
- federal relief to individuals
- maintaining a balanced budget
- farm price supports
- During World War II the United States sought greater cooperation with the nations of Latin America primarily to:
- encourage Latin American social and economic reforms
- promote the industrialization of Latin America
- develop a hemispheric common front against fascism
- end the threat of Latin American communist movements

- The drawing above shows a decrease in:
- America's popularity among European nations as a result of the Senate's rejection of United States membership in the League of Nations
- immigration due to quotas supported by labor groups and heightened xenophobia following World War I
- alcohol consumption resulting from national prohibition enacted during the 1920s
- conscription due to modified draft laws reflecting an American public disillusioned with United States participation in two world wars during a 25-year period
- The Palmer Raids of 1919 were conducted against:
- leaders for the American Federation of Labor
- Republicans bitterly opposed to the policies of President Woodrow Wilson
- suspected communists and anarchists
- white racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan
- All of the following factors contributed to the growth of suburbia after World War II except:
- development of a national highway system
- low-interest loans to veterans
- expansion of the existing railway network
- availability of low-cost housing
- For American farming, the years 1921 to 1929 represented a period of:
- rapid inflation in the price of farmland
- growth in the size of the farm population
- increased government subsidization
- low prices for agricultural products
- The government's conscription policies for World War I differed most from those of World War II in that World War II's draft:
- did not recognize "conscientious objectors"
- permitted integration of units according to race
- began before the United States issued an official declaration of war
- allowed vast exemptions for a range of war-related occupations
- The epic film The Birth of a Nation, produced in 1915 by D. W. Griffith, was controversial because it:
- portrayed the Sons of Liberty as nothing more than a lawless mob
- depicted Ku Klux Klan activities as heroic and commendable
- justified violent labor demonstrations, such as the Haymarket Square incident, as an acceptable method to fight big business
- empathized with Germany's purpose for fighting World War I
- The American Federation split apart at its national convention in 1935 because:
- many of the AFL leaders opposed collective bargaining
- most workers opposed FDR's New Deal
- many delegates believed the leadership of the AFL was soft on communism
- numerous AFL leaders refused to grant charters to new unions organized on an industry-wide basis
- The National Industrial Recovery Act sought to combat the Great Depression by:
- reducing competition
- lowering prices
- weakening organized labor
- abolishing trusts
- Of the following, the group that experienced the greatest percentage of growth in the American work force during the 1950s was:
- industrial workers
- military personnel
- service workers
- agricultural labor
- Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigative tactics found support among many Americans because:
- evidence clearly substantiated McCarthy's charges against the government
- McCarthy was supported by both President Dwight D. Eisenhower and former President Harry S Truman
- there was widespread fear of communist infiltration of the United States
- McCarthy worked closely and carefully with the FBI
- The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947:
- created the interstate highway system
- limited the powers of labor unions
- outlawed transportation of alcoholic beverages across state lines
- provided low-interest loans to veterans of World War II
- All of the following concerns were addressed during the "Hundred Days" of the New Deal except:
- banking regulation
- unemployment relief
- agricultural adjustment
- judicial restructuring
- During the 1930s, isolationists drew support for their position from:
- the Webster-Ashburton Treaty
- The Federalist essays of James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
- the Platt Amendment
- President George Washington's Farewell Address
- As he left the presidency, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans of:
- insufficient spending for social-welfare programs
- lack of zest for the civil rights movement
- dangers of developing a military-industrial complex
- communist infiltration of American society and subversion of democratic principles
- The New Deal attempted to revive the farm economy during the 1930s by:
- making more federal land available for homesteads
- reducing the amount of land under cultivation
- increasing tariffs to eliminate foreign competition
- selling surplus farm commodities abroad
- The least important consideration in the United States decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945 was:
- scientists wished to demonstrate to Congress that the $2 billion spent, after long debate, on the six-year Manhattan Project had not been wasted
- dropping the atomic bombs would give a new and powerful argument to the Japanese government to cease fighting
- scientists could propose no acceptable technical demonstration of the atomic bomb likely to convince Japan that further fighting was futile
- using the bombs would presumably shorten the war and therefore save the lives of American troops which would be lost in an invasion of the Japanese homeland
- The chief difference between the economic prosperity of the 1920s and 1950s was the:
- degree of government spending
- role of transportation in general and the automobile in particular
- equality of distribution of wealth
- amount of corporate consolidation
- The John Scopes trial of 1925 represented all of the following except:
- conflict between rural and urban culture
- tensions created by America's new role as a world leader in the 1920s
- battle between Protestant fundamentalism and modern science
- lack of academic freedom in some parts of the country
- The objective of the "Bonus Army" incident of 1932 was:
- eligibility of World War I prisoners-of-war for veterans' benefits
- protest of United States participation in the League of Nations
- racial integration of American combat units
- payment of money to veterans of World War I
- "President Harry S Truman, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, later replaced by Clement Attlee, and Premier Joseph Stalin agreed to try Nazi leaders as war criminals, made plans for exacting reparations from Germany, and confirmed the division of the country into four zones to be occupied separately by American, Soviet, British, and French troops. Berlin, deep within the Soviet sector, was divided into quadrants, as well, each to be administered by one of the occupying powers." The important conference described took place at:
- Potsdam, Germany
- San Francisco, USA
- Teheran, Iran
- Yalta, USSR

- The change shown between 1938 and 1942 on the chart above can be attributed to:
- success of the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration
- industrial mobilization related to World War II
- shifting population centers of the United States
- global economic boom following the Great Depression
- The Tennessee Valley Authority:
- was a state-sponsored agency established to restore and fertilize eroded soil
- constructed dams that made rural electrification possible in seven southern states
- provided land in Tennessee for immigrants who wanted to become farmers
- improved existing roads and built interstate highways throughout the Upper South
- The principal reason for the economic boom in the United States after World War II was:
- shortage of consumer goods combined with purchasing power reserve in the form of accumulated savings
- continuance of the federal government's operation of basic industries such as railroads
- strong action by Congress on behalf of organized labor
- full employment because the government retained ten million personnel in the armed forces as a precautionary measure
- Despite its isolationist position during the 1920s, the United States government actively intervened throughout the decade in European affairs involving:
- human rights
- international finance and reparations
- resistance to fascism
- collective security against communism
- "He was the most formidable of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's critics. While he did not question segregation or white supremacy (he used the word 'nigger' unabashedly, even when addressing northern black leaders), as a reformer he was fully dedicated to improving the lot of all poor, including blacks. Raffish, totally unrestrained, yet shrewd, a fellow southern politician called him 'the smartest lunatic I ever saw.' He initially supported FDR's New Deal, but later became one of its staunchest foes, advocating in its stead his own program, known as the 'Share-Our-Wealth' movement." The person described is:
- Father Charles Coughlin
- Senator Huey Long
- Dr. Francis Townsend
- Governor Alfred Landon
- During the presidencies of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, most of the federal regulatory agencies created during the Progressive Era:
- were placed in the hands of the states
- reflected the public's disdain for big business
- were abolished, allowed to expire, or declared unconstitutional
- served mainly to aid business
- Of the following, the description that best reflects the foreign policy stance practiced by the United States after World War I is:
- "non-colonial imperial expansion"
- "global responsibility"
- "dollar diplomacy"
- "independent internationalism"
- American women during World War II:
- organized labor unions and led strikes demanding improved working conditions
- contributed sparingly to the war effort aside from voluntary participation in government rationing programs
- had opportunities to take industrial jobs enabling them to learn new skills and earn better wages than previous employment
- initiated a publically visible and highly vocal feminist movement
- The purpose of the immigration restriction laws passed in the 1920s was to:
- exclude Chinese immigration for a period of ten years
- favor northern and western European immigration
- deny full citizenship to immigrants from Asia
- reveal subversive plots against the United States government
- One significant result of the 1936 presidential campaign was the:
- sharp decline in support of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs
- emergence of a viable third party to challenge the Democrats and Republicans
- refusal of Congress to comply with President Franklin D. Roosevelt's attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court justices
- shift of black voters from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party
- From those provided below, the most important cause of the Great Depression was:
- soaring energy levels
- excessive government spending
- the stock market crash of October 29, 1929
- serious dislocations in international trade
- Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon's policies:
- reduced income tax rates for the wealthy in order to release money for private investment
- provided federal guarantees for bank deposits in excess of $100,000
- restricted United States loans to foreign nations
- created more purchasing power for low-income families
- All of the following are correct about the report of the Nye Committee except that it:
- fed America's isolationist fears
- blamed United States entrance into World War I on bankers and weapons manufacturers, termed "merchants of death"
- recommended immediate suspension of war debts and reparations owed to the United States as a result of World War I
- was instrumental in creating the series of Neutrality Acts during the late 1930s
- President Herbert Hoover approached the task of caring for unemployed workers during the Great Depression by:
- expanding the federal government's payroll
- requesting large corporations hire war veterans
- emphasizing the importance of private charities
- relying on services provided by federal welfare agencies
- Of the numerous changes that took place in the intellectual life of college-educated Americans between 1880 and 1930, the characteristic least typical of this group during the period was:
- growth in influence of religious fundamentalism
- rise of pluralistic and relativistic world views
- accelerated professionalization of intellectual roles
- expanded popularity of nonrational explanations for human behavior
- "In the summer of 1933, a nice old gentleman wearing a silk hat fell off the end of a pier. He was unable to swim. A friend ran down the pier, dived overboard, and pulled him out; but the silk hat floated off with the tide. After the old gentleman had been revived, he was effusive in his thanks. He praised his friend for saving his life. Today, three years later, the old gentleman is berating his friend because the silk hat was lost." In this story, told by President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Democratic Party Convention in 1936, the "old gentleman" and "friend" were meant to refer to:
- farmers and crop acreage controls
- consumers and fixed prices
- laborers and wage-hour controls
- businessmen and industrial regulations
- All of the following statements are true regarding the Washington Conference of 1821 except:
- "nine nations, all having interests in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia, attended"
- "the conference resulted in three major treaties"
- "the attending nations agreed on a 'naval construction holiday' and 'land forces moratorium' extending over a ten-year period"
- "the conference gave Americans a false sense of global peace and national security"